Very interesting. Not an easy read - I had to makes a couple of runs at it before I got what was going on - this is intended as a compliment by the way - i likw stories that have the nerve to make the reader work hard - possibly becuase I'm english i didn't get all the references at first but i have found a copy of Born Losers on YouTube and i'll be watching it tomorrow - one question - is there any signigicance to the spelling of Haskell'Haskill in the final paragraph? Congrats

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So glad you enjoyed it. It should be Haskell throughout. (Fixed!) Did you get a chance to watch Born Losers? The Native American experience, especially during the 50s and 60s, is of great historical significance. So much has been hidden or obscured, which makes it even more important that stories like this one are shared. <3

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