Thanks for this essay, Nike - simultaneously detailed and completely accessible for someone like me! I've not come across that delineation between myth and legend before, and it's left me with a lot to think about.
The to and fro of oral and written tales is a fascinating one that will surely continue to excite and bamboozle academics forever.
Thank you so much, Alex! Like all fanatics, I am fascinated by the challenge of defining fairy tales (and other forms of folklore!) and all that doing so reveals about the relationships between different types of folklore.
It's wonderful that a couple of things excited your interest/left you with things to think about!
Thanks for this essay, Nike - simultaneously detailed and completely accessible for someone like me! I've not come across that delineation between myth and legend before, and it's left me with a lot to think about.
The to and fro of oral and written tales is a fascinating one that will surely continue to excite and bamboozle academics forever.
Thank you so much, Alex! Like all fanatics, I am fascinated by the challenge of defining fairy tales (and other forms of folklore!) and all that doing so reveals about the relationships between different types of folklore.
It's wonderful that a couple of things excited your interest/left you with things to think about!